Moses Cycle - Mirror-Reading The Elohist Source

Moses the son of Jethro.  The golden calf and the elders of Israel lead the Israelites out of Egypt.  Some Israelites believe they are Amorites and seek to break away from the Northern Kingdom of Israel.  The Elohist responds to these claims.

If you'd like to read about my methodology for the Moses Cycle, check out this post.

Joseph Cycle - Mirror-Reading The Elohist Source

Joseph died and was never sold into Egypt.  Ephraim and Mannaseh were from Egypt and should never have ruled over the rest of the tribes of Israel. Jacob didn't realize he had blessed Ephraim over Mannaseh. Benjamin is wooed to stay in the Kingdom of Israel. Ephraim struggles to forgive the other tribes for plotting the death of their king.  The Elohist responds to this tumultuous situation.

If you'd like to read about my methodology for the Joseph Cycle, check out this post.